Routing, Switching, Gateways
To find gateway:
To add entries into the routing table. Where 2nd ip is gateway
If forwarding between machines required for communication without a router:
must be enabled:
To persist:
In /etc/resolv.conf
set DNS server:
We can set order for /etc/hosts
or DNS server in:
We can use nslookup
, dig
to query DNS servers:
Network Namespaces
Lets us have isolated routing and arp tables along with virtual interfaces.
Run in ns:
To connect namespaces we can use a virtual pair (or pipe):
To create a virtual cable
To attach with the network namespaces
To add an IP address
To set up ns
Check the connectivity
When we have many NS, we create a switch (bridge)
Putting this all together we can have the bridge reach the external network by talking to our host as the Gateway, and have connections go back in to the private network by implementing NAT on our host via:
Pod Networking
The rules of kubernetes pod networking are that:
every pod should have an IP address
every pod should be able to communicate with every other pod in the same node
every pod should be able to communicate with every other pod on other nodes without NAT
We create a bridge on each node for the containers. Each bridge has a private subnet. To allow cross-node communications we add routes between nodes or use a router.
See kube-controller-manager
for pod range.
CNI in Kubernetes
We specify CNI plugin on container runtime in /etc/cni/net.d
, bins in /opt/cni/bin
Kubernetes networking Solutions will typically install agents on every node (DaemonSet) along with bridges and then deal with peer-to-peer communication
IP Address Managements (IPAM)
Who assigns IPs to containers. CNI plugin manages the IP management.
Service Networking
Pods communicate via services and each gets a cluster-wide IP.
kube-proxy watches for service creation, and creates one. This is done by each node setting up forwarding rules on each node.
proxy-mode defines how forwarding rules are created on kube-proxy.
defines ip range for services.
DNS in Kubernetes
Whenever we create services they get a DNS entry so any pod can access.
If in same namespace, can use just service name, eg 'service'
In different namespace add namespace suffix, eg 'service.default'.
Full domain is 'service.default.svc' or FQDN 'service.default.svc.cluster.local'
By default pods do not get entry, but we can enable DNS enties for them, thry get entry:
eg '10-244-2-5.default.pod'
Config in /etc/coredns/Corefile
Kubelet configures DNS server for pods by setting nameserver
in /etc/resolv.conf
also contains a search query to allow PARTIAL FQDN:
Ingress Controllers
Native internal loadbalancing.
Not deployed by default.
GCE, nginx maintained by k8s (currently)
Create an ingress service account, and service.
Create a deployment with:
To configure ingress, create an ingress-resource:
To define rules for paths:
For domain name rules:
Last updated