Users (humans)
Service Accounts (Machines)
User access is via kube-apiserver
Static password file
Static token file
Simple, but insecure
Static pass file:
Add to kube-apiserver
command (likely in pod):
Next create Role
and RoleBinding
Asymmetric Encryption:
Public "lock" Private "key"
Lock a resource - eg .ssh/authorized_keys
We need a way to securely transfer keys to the server so we can "unlock"
We encrypt the private key before sending using the servers public key. Then we send and server can get the key
We need to "certify" server is who it says it is.
We use a CA for signing with a CSR
TLS in Kubernetes
Thee kinds of certificate we will consider:
Naming conventions:
Usually Public keys are .crt
and .pem
Private keys in .key
and -key.pem
On k8s all servers and clients need client or server certificates (depending on function).
kube-api and etcd need server cert, rest client
We need a CA for creating these certs.
Generating Certificates
If using openssl:
Setup CA
Generate Keys
Generate CSR
Sign certificates
Generating Client Certificates
Admin User Certificates
Generate Keys
Generate CSR (CN just for logs)
Sign certificates
Certificate with admin privilages
Viewing certs:
Certificate API
Rather than manually signing new certs we can use API.
Use can request a cert signed.
EG, jane requests:
Then send to kubectl
`base64 encode in file:
All this is completed by controller-manager
We need to use cert with kubectl
on every call. Rathen than CLI, we put in KubeConfig:
Default: $HOME/.kube/config
Three sections:
Context groups Cluster and Context.
EG: user: Admin
, cluster AWS
, context: Admin@AWS
is default.
Current config:
We can put namespaces in context if we want.
Configure Access to Multiple Clusters
API Groups
The api has multiple API groups.
Core functionality is in /api
) (secrets, pods, svc etc..)
Named groups are more heirarchical (in future API changes here)
Groups are shown in docs
EG: /apis/apps/v1/{deployments, replicasets, statefulsets}
Can use curl
to see groups:
Can use:
To avoid needing to specify certs (sets up listener with auth)
What can I do with access?
We create accounts, then authorize certain things. Usually done via namespaces.
Authorization types
Node Authorizer:
Used by kubelets
User in this group by adding cert system:node
prefix on cert
ABAC Authorizer:
Associate user with a permission:
eg "view pod"
Requires restarting API server after perm change.
RBAC Authorizer:
Assign perms to a role
Associate users with the role.
Webhook: Outsource to third party (eg Open Policy Agent)
AlwaysAllow: The default.
AlwaysDeny: Does what is says.
If you specify multiple --authorization-mode=Node,RBAC
It tries all in order then allows if no match.
Create kind: Role
with apiVersion:
Now create kind: RoleBinding
and link user to role
Can check can-i
When in a namespace we can further restrict via resourceNames
Cluster Roles
Some resources are cluster-wide
We can do cluster-wide roles via ClusterRole
, ClusterRoleBinding
Very similar to Role
Can view api groups via:
Service Accounts
Used for machine access (eg an application) to kube-api
Creates a token used to connect.
Token is a secret
, use:
Token can be used as a "Bearer" eg curl.
Can use RBAC with the service account.
If hosting an app on K8S we can expose the secret as a volume. By default the default namespace secret is exposed (only basic k8s access).
v1.22 TokenRequestAPI
creates token with expiry, bound to a pod. See projected volume mount.
v1.24 service accounts dont create tokens by default. And have expiry.
To use legacy (no binding, no expiry) use ServiceAccount token Secrets
Image Security
In image
names, it has implicit account library
on dockerhub if not specified.
We can use a private registry too. We need to pass auth to CRI.
Security Contexts
We can set capabilities at container granularity.
securitycontext can be at pod granularity, but no capabilities.
Network Policies
Ingress: inbound Egress: outbound
By defaults k8s has AllAllow
on communication between pods.
We implement a network policy to restrict traffic.
We use labels and selectors for policies.
Not all solutions support policies.
If there are multiple items in from:
, matching 1 allows.
Last updated