Path of Exile

The following describes how to setup Path of Exile.

Prerequisites (Arch only):


Create a ZFS dataset for wine bottle.

zfs create -o mountpoint=legacy vault/sys/$(hostname)/home/john/local/share/wine

Add to fstab:

vault/sys/chin/home/john/local/share/wine  /home/john/.local/share/wine zfs       rw,relatime,xattr,noacl     0 0

Mount it

mkdir /home/john/.local/share/wine
mount -a


Always use env WINEPREFIX=${HOME}/.local/share/wine/<wine bottle> when creating bottles. Otherwise wine defaults to ~/.wine.

Install dependencies:

pacman -S mpg123 lib32-gst-plugins-base-libs pulseaudio-alsa lib32-libpulse lib32-alsa-plugins lib32-libldap lib32-openal
pacaur -S ttf-ms-fonts  ttf-tahoma

To create a 32bit bottle use WINEARCH=win32.

env WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=${HOME}/.local/share/wine/pathofexile winecfg

Enable CSMT, optionallenable emulate virtual desktop and change DPI.


Get videocard RAM:

echo $"VRAM: "$(($(grep -P -o -i "(?<=memory:).*(?=kbytes)" /var/log/Xorg.0.log) / 1024))$" Mb"

Set in regedit. Copy the number.

env WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=${HOME}/.local/share/wine/pathofexile wine regedit

Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER>Software>Wine

  • Add key "Direct3D"

  • Add new string to Direct3D folder. Right click>New String, type "VideoMemorySize", add "VideoMemorySize" string, use video memory number

With Installer

Install dependencies

env WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=${HOME}/.local/share/wine/pathofexile winetricks -q glsl=disabled directx9 usp10 msls31

Download and execute installer.

cd ${HOME}/.local/share/wine/pathofexile
env WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=${HOME}/.local/share/wine/pathofexile wine ${HOME}/.local/share/wine/pathofexile/PathOfExileInstaller.exe

Run game launcher.

env WINEDEBUG=-all WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=${HOME}/.local/share/wine/pathofexile wine "${HOME}/.local/share/wine/pathofexile/drive_c/Program Files/Grinding Gear Games/Path of Exile/PathOfExile.exe" dbox  -no-dwrite -noasync

Last updated